Organizations working for Native liberation, sexual and domestic violence survivors, and racial and gender justice affirm Maddesyn George’s right to self-defense and call for her freedom.

Instead of receiving support after suffering a traumatic experience, Maddesyn was incarcerated and denied bail, and separated from her infant daughter and community. She now faces as many as seventeen years in prison. Maddesyn’s story is emblematic of the ways U.S. criminal legal systems all too often neglect or exacerbate harm against Indigenous victims and survivors of violence. The targeting of Native women for violence is a fundamental aspect of settler colonialism both historically and today. 

Join the Campaign to Free Maddesyn in urging the U.S. Department of Justice to drop the charges against Maddesyn. We call for Maddesyn’s return to her family and community, where she can receive the support needed to recover and rebuild after more than a year in jail.

If your organization would like to join the growing list of endorsers, please scroll to the bottom of this page to find the sign-on form.

Last updated November 16, 2021.

Abused Deaf Women’s Advocacy Services (WA)

Accountable Communities Consortium (WA)

AGE UP (All Girl Everything Ultimate Program) (WA)

All of Us or None – Eastern WA

American Indian Science and Engineering Society at UCLA 

API Chaya (WA)

Asian Counseling and Referral Service (WA)

Baobab Abolitionist Coalition (Pacific Northwest)

Big Picture Learning Native American Initiative

Black and Pink Seattle/Tacoma

California Coalition for Women Prisoners

Change the Narrative (WA)

Christian Peacemaker Teams (International)

Coalition Ending Gender-Based Violence (WA)

Collective Justice (WA)

Collegiate Community Transitions (WA)

Columbia Criminal Justice Coalition (NY)

Communities of Color Coalition (WA)

Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice (CA)

Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence

Critical Resistance – Portland (OR)

Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Services (WA)

Dove Project (WA)

Eastside Legal Assistance Program (WA)

Fight Toxic Prisons (National)

Florida Council Against Sexual Violence

ForFortyTwo (WA)

Foundation for Youth Resiliency and Engagement (WA)

Free Food From Jupiter (WA)

Free Hearts (TN)

Free Them All WA

Friends of Little Saigon (WA)

FTP Fund (CA)

Gender Justice League (WA)

Haven, Inc. (WI)

Hualapai Tribe (AZ)


Journal of Prisoners on Prisons (Canada)

Kern County Participatory Defense (CA)

King County Sexual Assault Resource Center (WA)

Legal Voice (WA)

LifeWire (WA)

Love + Protect (IL)

Mariposa House (WA)

Michigan Solidarity Bail Fund

Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Missing and Murdered Native Americans (WA)

Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women Washington

Mother Nation (WA)

Multi-Communities (WA)

Nā Pua Kūʻē — Hawaiʻi Dissenters

National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls

Native Women's Collective (CA)

New Beginnings (WA)

New Connections (WA)

New Mexico Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs

New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault

No New Jails DC Coalition

No New Washington Prisons

Participatory Justice (WA)

Peer Reentry Navigation Community Bail Fund (WA)

Pillars of the Community (CA)

Project Harja (NY)

Radical Women Seattle

Reimagine Safety (WA)

Resilience (formerly Rape Victim Advocates) (IL)

Seattle Community Fridge

The Sentencing Project (Washington, D.C.)

Silicon Valley De-Bug (CA)

Sovereign Bodies Institute (CA and MT)

South & East King County Mutual Aid (WA)

South Philly Participatory Defense Hub

Spokane Community Against Racism

Study and Struggle (MS)

Support Ho(s)e Collective (IL)

Surge Reproductive Justice (WA)

Survived and Punished (National)

Toronto Abolition Convergence

TRU Unity (WA)

University Beyond Bars (WA)

Vashon-Maury SURJ - Showing Up for Racial Justice (WA)

Waking Women Healing Institute (WI)

Warrior Women for Justice (MT)

Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Providers

Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Wise Women Gathering Place (WI)

Women Who Choose to Live (Ottawa)

Young Women's Freedom Center (CA)

YWCA of Walla Walla (WA)